
Why Aloe Vera

If science were working on an elixir of life, the model would be aloe vera. The supposed secret is called synergy effects! In most cases, a single active ingredient is of little use to the body, as it can only develop its effect efficiently in combination with another.

Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, Aloe Vera can help control fungal overgrowth and restore the natural intestinal flora. The intestine, our largest immune organ, is disturbed in almost all people: digestive disorders and fungal diseases cause many to resort to chemical remedies, which, however, often have the opposite effect (mutation to resistant and/or more aggressive fungal forms).

Laboratory experiments show that acemannan contained in Aloe Vera acts as a bridge between foreign proteins and our "phagocytes". The "phagocytes" can thus - to put it simply - neutralise the "invaders" much more easily.

Until puberty, the human body produces acemannan itself. This is one of the main substances responsible for the fact that injuries heal so quickly in infants and children and that they survive the various childhood diseases well. At puberty, the human genetic code is "finished" for the time being, acemannan production is stopped, although this substance is of course still needed (all the more so). It must now be supplied as a food supplement. Acemannan is stored in all cell membranes of the body, where it ensures the immune strengthening of the entire organism against viruses, bacteria and disease-causing parasites. It is the basis for skin, vascular walls, tendons, joints, cartilage and ligaments, ensures sufficient joint lubrication (e.g. prevention and relief of arthritis).

This is the key to strengthening the immune system of the cell nucleus!

Furthermore, fresh aloe contains

    13 vitamins
    16 enzymes (metabolism)
    13 minerals
    21 amino acids (protein building blocks)
    13 saccharides, including acemannan
    12 antraquinones (analgesic, laxative)

as well as saponins (natural antifungal agents), lupeol & salicylic acid (analgesic), flavonoids, essential oils...a real power cocktail from nature!

For example, without B2, vitamin B6 can hardly contribute to the body's defence against disease.
Vitamins and vital substances are by far the cheapest health insurance!


It's all in the mixture

According to leading orthomolecular physicians (age and cell research), this is a real team sport. One important point should not go unmentioned: it is not only important which vitamins, minerals and trace elements we take in, but also where they come from. The difference between artificially produced and fresh vitamins is enormous, especially when it comes to "bioavailability", i.e. our ability to absorb the vital substances and utilise them as well as possible.

 Production & Sales

La Finca de Aloe Vera
Levin Bäumer
Leipartstrasse 22
81369 München

Design & Marketing

Markus Kastenhuber
Thomas Reich
35660 Corralejo

Canary Islands